Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

Yesterday, Steven and I had a quiet Valentine's Day in for the most part. I didn't have work in the morning, so we went out for Valentine's brunch at IHOP (much to Apple's dismay) and then after I got off work in the afternoon, I came home to a home-cooked meal cooked by my wonderful husband and I pulled out a surprise bottle of the champagne we had at our wedding! :)

And because Apple was, of course, there with us the whole evening, I also came home bearing a large gift box of doggie "chocolates" which were really yogurt-covered oat treats. They were already on 50% clearance at PETCO, so I couldn't resist snagging these adorable treats for only $4.99.

They were so cute! And some of them had sprinkles...
...and I ate some sprinkles that fell off...though the box said "not for human consumption."

It felt right to give Apple a nice gift since he did have to suffer a little more "neglect" than usual on V-Day. 

However, I noticed as I was going through the yesterday's pictures, he was in many of them!

Here he is trying to open my festively wrapped gift to Steven
Tonight, we are making up for the lost time by having a wonderful snuggle on the couch.

Seriously, this is adorable and this never happens. He is always too crazy with energy to love on me like this! I thought he might calm down just a bit at 1 year despite not being an adult yet, but his energy has almost gotten crazier! (I plan on posting a little "growth chart" for Apple so you can see how he has grown and changed over the months.) Developmentally, he is like a teenager right now, so it makes sense that he's been a little crazy.

But look how sweet he is!!! They are so cute when they are tired and showing you post-Valentine's day love.

He even has his paw wrapped around my leg

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